
“If there is the slightest chance that someone can be educated in the methods that enable them to reduce their own pain and suffering using understanding and resources, they should receive that education.  Everyone is entitled to the information, and every therapist should be obliged to provide it.”

Robin McKenzie

I have 40 years of experience and knowledge gained from working in the Arts, Education, Business and Health and my aim here is to provide anyone who is interested with a wide range of useful resources that will enable them to access materials that will help in their development physically, mentally, emotionally and psychologically.  Below you’ll find information on Mindfulness, Physical Therapies, Self-Development, Recommended Books, Films and information from various, trusted sources, on Covid-19.  It is not an exhaustive list and I will be adding to it as time goes by.  Most of the materials are provided FREE online.  The books you will have to buy or borrow from a library.  If you have any queries about any of the materials provided here or on this site then please contact me. 

I am a great believer in self-directed learning but also recognise there are times when a qualified professional, like myself,  is needed and so would recommend seeking the help of a trusted and qualified professional to help you or your organisation on your own journey.


All of the information contained in these resources is for information purposes only. Anything shared or used by the user including all articles, videos, photos, audio recordings, and documents of any kind available is not a substitute for professional help or medical treatment. Nothing in these resources is intended to diagnose or treat any pathology or disease of any kind. This website, all media files found on it and the creator of any and all of these files, and anyone featured on these files, cannot be held responsible for any injuries or discomfort that occur. Before using any of the resources contained, described or portrayed, be sure to consult your medical practitioner.


“The purpose of Mindfulness is……. Mindfulness.”
A Deikman – ‘The Observing Self’

Many people get very confused as to what Mindfulness practice is and what it involves. Click on this link Meditation Basics and you will find some basic guidelines to help you in your practice. It is also useful to remember that the benefits of Mindfulness Practice occur over time so, if you are expecting instant results you’ll probably be disappointed. It’s important to approach Mindfulness practice the way you’d approach any form of exercise. The skill and effectiveness of the practice develops over time and just like any ‘muscle’ the more frequently you exercise it the stronger it gets… Start slowly and follow the guidelines given for Mindfulness Practice. Nothing is to be gained by doing too much too soon.

Below you’ll find some meditation practices you can use to help you develop your mindfulness skills:


I’m in the process of creating a series of podcasts for people who prefer to have something to listen to.  I’ll be covering a wide range of subjects and providing the listener with information and ‘tools’ they can use to help them make  the best of themselves in both their personal and professional lives.

When you listen to the meditations I suggest you listen to one of them each day for at least 6 days before moving onto the next one.  This way you develop stronger neural pathways in the brain and will get more benefit from each meditation.

  1. An Introduction to Mindfulness
  2. Awareness of Breathing
  3. Progressive Muscle Relaxation
  4. Three Minute Breathing Space
  5. Sounds, Thoughts and Feelings
  6. Exploring Difficulties
  7. Care and Compassion
  8. Your Brain Has a Delete Button

Personal Development Resources

 The world of personal development is filled with so many books it is difficult to know where to start.  Personally, I think the books in self-development should come with a health warning….  To help anyone interested in self-development I’ve listed a few books below which, in my opinion, are well worth reading and offer good, practical advice.

Follow this link for a range of self-development tests which will help you learn more about yourself and others.  The two tests I strongly recommend are the VIA Survey of Character Strengths Test and The Optimism Test.  I recommend that working with me or another coach your comfortable with will help you get the most out of these materials from the Authentic Happiness Test Centre

Recommended Books

“The Art of Living” – Ross Brittleton
Art of Living – Introduction – Ross Brittleton
“The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People” – Stephen Covey
“To Have or To Be” – Erich Fromm
“Authentic Happiness” – Martin Seligmann
“The Relationship Cure” – John Gottman
“The Commanding Self” – Idries Shah
“Influence” – Cialdini
“The Observing Self”  – Deikman
“The Evolution of Consciousness” – Robert Ornstein
“Rewire Your Anxious Brain” – Pittman & Karle
“Maverick” – Ricardo Semler
“The Skilled Helper”  – Gerard Egan
“The Deadliest Enemy” – Michael Osterholm

Physical Therapy & Exercise Resources

The aim here is to give the reader some general information on resources that may be of use.  In all cases it is better to seek help from a qualified professional who can guide you through all the exercises you might see in the links below.  Remember exercise is like medicine.  If used incorrectly it can cause harm so always consider seeking the help of a trusted therapist when performing any exercise.

Recommended Websites

Recommended Films / Documentaries

All of the documentaries and films listed below are available FREE on YouTube.  I have no hesitation in recommending them as I found them educational and informative.

Coronavirus – Information & Lockdown Resources

Here’s information regarding a wide range of FREE resources for adults and children that you can use during the lockdown period or after.  Just click on the links

Educational Resources

Resources for Young People   m: 07890 190371   t:0116 2826361